For RTS the customer experience concept was already a big part of our company. The sessions confirmed and clarified what we already do and helped us expand the concept internally as well as externally. As with any message, it helped to have the content be presented by someone outside of our organization because we all hear things better from someone we aren’t with all the time, even if they say the exact same words. This training has provided a reference point for us as part of our “Why” – the proverbial stake to mark a reference point.

We embrace the concept of “A Day In The Life” of our clients to remind ourselves they may not be angry with us, but may simply be dealing with another big thing we don’t know about. As part of our regular internal discussion of RTS core values we incorporate several of our “above and beyond” stories. All of us are more alert to bits of information gathered about our clients and colleagues now (better listeners) as a result of the WCCXT training.

Thanks to TMT and the DiJulius Group for offering these sessions and having them available for us to share with new staff!